Understanding Heartworm Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes. As parasites, they pick up microscopic worms called Dirofilaria immitis in the blood of infected animals during blood meals. Once in their system, mosquitoes deposit the worms directly into the bloodstream of their next target when feeding.
Heartworm disease is present in all 50 states, and it’s becoming more common. With our protocol for prevention, your pet will never have to suffer the potentially grave consequences of heartworm disease.
Know the Score
The process of the parasitic worm’s development can take time. From the silent bite and subsequent infection, pets may not show symptoms for months. During that time, the microscopic worms migrate to the blood vessels in and around the lungs and heart, grow, mature, and reproduce.
It can take up to 5 months for heartworm disease to show up on a blood panel. Because of this, many dogs have advanced heartworm disease by the time they’re diagnosed. A decisive and intensive treatment regimen is necessary to stop damage to the internal organs.
Prevention Vs. Treatment
Keeping a pet up to date with their medication is easier and more affordable than treating heartworm disease.
Year-round parasite prevention medication, dosed on a monthly basis, can eliminate problems associated with mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. If there is a lapse in medication, heartworm testing is required before prescribing and administering further parasite prevention medication. If a pet receives medication with an active heartworm infection, they may become very sick, and could even go into shock as the heartworms die.
Heartworm treatment may involve potentially painful injections. The side effects of the medications concern the sudden deaths of the worms inside their blood vessels, heart, and lungs. Some complications can result from the worms decomposing in the pet’s body. Strict rest is absolutely vital to their ability to recover from heartworm disease and treatment.
A Natural Part of Wellness
Symptoms of heartworm disease can include:
- Persistent cough
- Swollen belly
- Reduced appetite
- Weight loss
- Fatigue, even after small effort
With early diagnosis, effective treatment including the injection of a heartworm medication called melarsomine – an antiparasitic medication derived from an organic arsenic compound, hospitalization, pain medication, antibiotics, and strict rest, most dogs fully recover. While cats are not ideal hosts for juvenile heartworms, they can still become infected. There is no treatment for cats.
Heartworm Disease Prevention
Our veterinarians are always happy to help you at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital. If you have questions about our suggestions to keep your pet safe from heartworm disease, please schedule a wellness exam or call us at (916) 726-2334.