One of the biggest downfalls of owning pets is the possibility of a flea infestation or tick-borne illnesses infiltrating your house. Luckily, with a take-charge approach to parasite prevention, you can reduce the risks associated with these awful bugs and safeguard your pet’s health all year long. 

The Real Deal

At best, fleas and ticks can cause skin irritation and infections. At their worst, these parasites can spread disease and secondary health conditions. It’s terrible to watch a pet appear itchy and irritable one day only to graduate to full-blown misery the next. That’s the power of parasites, but we can stop them in their tracks. 

Say No to Vectors

Fleas and ticks survive by feeding on the blood of their hosts. Ticks are famous for transmitting Lyme disease, but their capacity for infectious disease doesn’t end there. Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are among tick-borne illnesses that can be prevented with a regular dose of parasite prevention medication. 

Fleas cause itchy skin from bites, but many pets develop dermatitis as a result.They can also spread tapeworms to pets and cause anemia.

Taking Control

Prevention is the best strategy when it comes to fleas and ticks. We are happy to help you find the right product for your pet, such a topical treatment, and find ways to make your home and garden less attractive to these parasites, including:

  • Trimming overgrown areas on the property, such as fallen trees, long grass, and bushy areas.
  • Maintaining daily tasks of vacuuming the home, washing your pet’s bedding, and cleaning up the areas where they like to lounge in.

You should also inspect your pet’s legs, feet, belly, chest, neck, back, and face for any signs of fleas and ticks. A literal fine-toothed comb can be extremely helpful at early detection.

Where They Come From

Fleas and ticks are fairly unstoppable when there are few parasite prevention strategies in place. They can come into your home by way of your own clothing or your pet’s fur. Keep your pet on marked paths when walking or hiking, wear light-colored pants, and watch for any changes to their behavior.

Your pet’s monthly parasite prevention medication can poison and kill fleas and ticks before they have a chance to lay eggs (in the case of fleas) or transmit disease (both fleas and ticks). The longer a tick stays on their host increases the odds of transmitting a disease. Please consult this step-by-step guide to tick removal.

Fleas and ticks inside the home and around the yard can sometimes only be eliminated with the help of a professional exterminator. 

Parasite Prevention for the Win!

If you have questions about your pet’s parasite prevention, please give us a call at (916) 726-2334. Our team at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital is always happy to help!