Healthy puppy after medical exam.

Routine pet preventive care lays the groundwork for a lifetime of good health and is essential for disease prevention and for detecting medical conditions at the earliest possible stages. But sometimes paying for preventive care appointments in one lump sum can put a strain on the family budget, which is where pet wellness plans come in. 

Pet wellness plans make paying for pet preventive care more convenient by enabling pet families to pay a low, fixed amount on a monthly basis. At Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital, we offer tailored wellness plans for every life stage to make quality pet preventive care more affordable and accessible for pet families in our community. 

What Are Pet Wellness Plans?

Pet wellness plans are not the same as pet insurance. Pet wellness plans enable pet owners to pay a relatively low monthly fee that covers the cost of pet wellness exams, age-appropriate diagnostics, core vaccines, and other pet preventive care services. 

Pet health insurance is a great complement to a wellness plan, and provides coverage for unexpected illnesses and injuries, as well as chronic disease management.

Why Enroll in a Pet Wellness Plan?

Our pets deserve the best veterinary care we can provide, but multiple visits can add up quickly. Pet wellness plans encourage pet families to stay current on pet preventive care because it’s already part of the monthly budget. Other pet wellness plan perks include the following:

  • Coverage for multiple wellness examinations each year
  • Multi-pet discounts
  • Discounts on eligible non-plan services

Selecting the Right Wellness Plan

Puppies and kittens need multiple visits within the first year, and senior pets typically have more medical concerns than healthy adult pets. At Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital, we offer a range of wellness plan options for each life stage, and we are happy to help you choose the plan that’s the perfect fit. As your pet ages, we will customize the wellness plan to meet your pet’s ongoing and changing needs for pet preventive care.

Our pet wellness plans include the following:

Additional services that are part of certain plans include:

  • Routine spay or neuter surgery
  • Dental cleanings
  • Digital X-rays
  • Blood pressure screenings

Prioritize Pet Wellness Exams

Annual check-ups coupled with age-appropriate diagnostics can help your pet live a healthier, longer life. Whether you have a playful puppy, a frisky feline, or a golden oldie with special health considerations, our pet wellness plans make providing the best preventive care more accessible and affordable. Please contact us if you need help selecting the right wellness plan or to schedule an appointment.